Our skin has to bear it all from enduring the harsh sun rays , unpredictable pollution laden climate, to dust present around us. All this leads to pigmentation and uneven skin tone. And that’s why it's very important to give our skin the much deserved pampering. Skip the salon visits and try these three natural off the shelf kitchen ingredients which are readily available in our house:
#1 Tomato Pulp
Tomato is not only rich in vitamin C and A, but also eliminates the excess oils and possesses astringent properties, which contribute to brightening dull skin and reducing pigmentation. Apply the pulp of a tomato all over your face including the under eye area and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Repeat daily.
via wisegeek.com
#2 Orange Peel
Orange peels have a higher content of vitamin C than the fruit itself. Instead of throwing away the peels, you can Sun dry them and grind them to prepare orange peel powder. You can mix the powder with milk or rose water and apply it on your face. This will provide an instant glow to your face as well as reduce dark spots and blemishes on your skin. Repeat daily
#3 Papaya
Papaya is rich in antioxidants and nutrients and it has skin lightening properties that help clear blemishes and pigmentation . for reducing the pigmentation just rub papaya on your face and leave it for about 10 minutes. Wash it with water. Repeat daily.