I turned 24 on the 31st of July and I am so happy (and blessed) to share that I had the most memorable birthday ever. This year too, like every year, I hosted a party for my family and friends and it wasn't as simple as I thought it would be. So the story goes like this...I had invited all my friends to a venue (Army club) Where I had made all the necessary arrangements and due to some unforeseen circumstances (really funny ones actually), the venue had to be changed. I honestly didn't have a plan B, and hence begun panicking. It was a Friday + I had a huge gathering of friends and hence we couldn't book any place at the last minute. One of my college bestie went an extra mile for me and ended up getting us a place at Hauz Khas Village, Lights Camera Action. We created last mintue whatsapp groups, fought traffic, made incessant phone calls but finally made it! I loved the place for it plays Bollywood music and serves some of the best drinks in the town and rest...well is an epic history to remember! Here are 12 of of my favorite photos that sum up my 24th :)
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