Your kitchen cabinet is stocked with stunning ingredients for your beauty and skincare regime. If you are someone who enjoys trying new homemade recipes that will boost your skin regime, then you are at the right post. We bring another unique post on how you can replace corn starch for various beauty care. From nail polish mattifier to setting powder, corn starch is an inexpensive way to use in your beauty care. Eager to know more? Then read further and find out how you can use corn starch differently.
1. Dry shampoo:
Corn starch is a cheaper and natural way to reduce the greasy look of your hair. All you need to do is dust cornstarch on your hair roots and comb your hair. Cornstarch will absorb the excess oil and make your hair bouncy- a perfect remedy for those lazy days.
2. Lipstick mattifier:
It is the craze of matte lipsticks, and corn starch will mattify your lipstick perfectly. Dust your lips with cornstarch and then apply your favorite shade, it will instantly mattify your lipstick. Also using a lip brush you can mix cornstarch and lipstick together and get a matte finish.
3. Soothes sunburn:
Calm your sunburned skin with corn starch and get instant relief from the burns. Corn starch is known for soothing burns and hence it is an inexpensive sunburn soother, all you need to do is mix cornstarch in water and apply it on your sunburnt skin for 20 minutes- you will definitely get a relief.
4. Swear absorber:
You can definitely use cornstarch on your sweaty feet, armpits and reduce excess sweat instantly. You can apply a small amount of cornstarch on your underarms or legs and forget smelly armpits or legs.
5. Nail polish mattifier:
The trend of matte nail polish is the talk of the town, and the easiest way to matte your nail polish is corn starch. Mix your favorite nail polish with cornstarch and apply it on your nails. You will get matte finish nails that you have dreamt of.
6. Face lifting mask:
You can prevent sagging skin with cornstarch. It will tighten your skin, remove the impurities and keep it hydrated. Mix cornstarch with egg white and apply it on your face, rinse after 20 minutes and moisturise your face. Make sure you apply this mask thrice a week for faster results.
7. Chub rub:
Sweat, tight clothes can often give you inner thigh rashes which you can easily prevent with help of corn starch. Just rub a small amount of cornstarch on your inner thighs and save yourself from chub rub.
Do you use cornstarch in your beauty regime, if not, then start using them instantly. Do share with us your views in the comments below.