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You would have heard plenty of hair benefits of castor oil, but did you know castor oil makes your joints strong, improves your digestive system and keeps your skin beautiful. Packed with tons of vitamins, minerals, proteins castor oil is crammed with super benefits. It has been used in Ayurvedic treatments, spas and over the years castor oil has conquered the beauty world too. We found it highly efficient for hair, skin and good health and that is why we want our readers to know the various ways they can use castor oil for their beauty and wellness.
1. Promotes healthy tresses:
Castor oil is a holy grail for your hair. If you suffer from hair loss then you can massage your scalp with castor oil, the ricinoleic acid will stimulate the blood circulation on your scalp which will enhance your hair texture and growth. As castor oil is thick in consistency you can mix it with olive oil, coconut oil and use it weekly once.
2. Combats scalp infection:
castor oil has antibacterial properties which will fight against the bacteria, fungi residing on your scalp and keep it super clean. It will reduce the flakiness and prevent dandruff and itchy scalp. add castor oil to your hair masks and detox your hair shafts.
3. Glossy locks:
Shampoos can strip off the natural oils from your scalp and that is why you need to moisturise your hair regularly with a deep hair oil conditioner. You can try castor oil, which will lock the moisture in your scalp and make your hair shiny and smooth.
4. Thicker eyebrows:
Want natural, thicker eyebrows? Then every night smears your brows with castor oil and tada in weeks you will see healthy brows. Castor oil has essential fatty acids, which are known for promoting healthy hair.
5. Natural mascara:
You can get long lashes without wearing false eyelashes with castor oil. As we had mentioned the healthy fatty acids will nourish your hair and boost the hair growth of your eyes. With a help of old mascara wand apply castor oil on your eyelashes daily and we bet you will see positive results in weeks.
6. Heals acne and scars:
Castor oil is one of the best remedies when it comes to treating the pesky pimples and its marks. The ricinoleic acid in castor oil will fight acne and seep into your skin, giving you blemish and acne free skin. Cover the spots, breakouts with castor oil and leave it overnight, you will notice a good change in a month's time.
7. Hydrates the skin:
One of the best oil, that wouldn't clog your pores, but moisturise your skin deeply is castor oil. It has Vitamin E, omega 3, 9 fatty acids that moisturize your skin and turns it super soft. You can use it during winters, or whenever your skin turns super dry.
8. Young complexion:
Forget facelifts, botox treatments, massage your face with castor oil and keep your skin young and healthy. The fatty acids will replenish your skin, repair the damaged skin cells and prevent sagging and other signs of aging.
9. For healthy hands:
Massage your hands, nails daily with castor oil and notice terrific changes. Your hands would be ultra soft and castor oil will even prevent brittle nails.
10. Heals cracked heels:
If the crack creams have been of no help, then we suggest you to slather a good amount of castor oil on your heels. It has healing and moisturising properties which will treat the cracks and turn your heels super soft. Make sure you apply it daily night and wear socks to prevent oil stains on your bed.
11. Combats joint pains:
People who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism can massage their knees, elbows with castor oil. The anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil will reduce the joint pains.
12. Treats constipation:
Refined foods can sometimes cause constipation, but you can bring an end to this issue with castor oil, it is laxative in nature and will stimulate regular bowel movements. Eat one teaspoon of castor oil and treat your constipation.
Tip: avoid if you are pregnant as castor oil is known for inducing labor.
13. Induces sleep:
Everyone hates sleepless nights and especially the morning moods and racoon eyes! But we ask you to dab castor oil on your eyelids, and you would get your beauty sleep instantly.
14. Treats muscle aches:
After an energetic workout, if you have got a muscle pull or muscle pain, then massage your body with castor oil, it will soothe and relax your muscle aches. Involve in regular castor oil massage therapy and prevent muscle soreness.
Castor oil even boosts your immunity so eat a spoon or add it to your salads and stay healthy. How do you use castor oil, do share with us in the comments below.