1. Aids in digestion:
Cinnamon and lemon concoction can work on boosting your digestive system. Cinnamon regulates the gastric juices and reduces the inflammation due to indigestion. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a squeeze of lime in water and improve your digestion.
2. Works in weight loss:
This mixture is best known for its weight loss benefits. Lemon and cinnamon will regulate your glucose levels, suppress your appetite, speed up your metabolism and shed the stubborn fats in your body. Along with weight loss, it even benefits in body cleansing.
3. Heals joint pain:
Drink this mixture on an empty stomach and notice the joint pains, inflammation reduced. Cinnamon has healing properties that will reduce the arthritis pain, whereas lemon is rich in Vitamin C that boost collagen production, which will repair the tissues, tendons, bones and the antioxidants will fight arthritis.
4. Protects body from cold, cough:
This monsoon protects your body from cold, cough with this amazing drink. Vitamin C and antibiotics of both the power packed ingredients will fight the bacteria, virus and keep cough, cold away. Also if you add a bark of ginger it will help in recovering from a sore throat.
5. Cure for fatigue:
Are you feeling de-energized? Then boost your energy levels with this spicy and sour drink. It will instantly boost your energy level without spiking the blood sugar levels. Make sure you drink it regularly for good results.
6. For healthy heart:
Prevent arteries hardening, blockage and other heart diseases with lemon and cinnamon drink. This drink will lower the cholesterol levels, prevent blockage and keep your heart healthy. Make sure you drink lemon and cinnamon drink daily on an empty stomach.
You can even use a paste of cinnamon and lemon to prevent acne, fine lines, wrinkles and even as a scalp cleanser. Let us know if you have used lemon and cinnamon for other health or beauty care in the