How many of you actually use cooking oil in skincare? It isn't gross to use cooking oil for your beauty regime because these oils are supercharged with nutrients, minerals, fatty acids that enhance the skin and hair. Among the various oils, mustard oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oil that aren't just great in making relishing foods but even amazing for skin and hair. It is rich source of Vitamin A, E, oleic acids, linoleic acids, beta carotene and other minerals as well as is loaded with antifungal and antiseptic properties which we all know is must have for skin and hair. Continue reading to know the beauty, goodness about mustard oil.
1. Hydrates dry skin:
As mustard oil is replete of Vitamin E which moisturizes the skin and keeps it supple and baby soft. If you have super dry skin, then massage your body twice a week with mustard oil and you will notice your skin nourished and plump.
2. Skin lightening:
One of the safest and natural ways of skin lightening is mustard oil. We know it has a thick consistency, but as it stimulates blood circulation, removes toxins from the skin, it can improve your complexion and help in skin lightening. Take a few drops of mustard oil and massage gently on your face. You can even use it in various face packs.
Tip: if you have oily skin avoid massaging with mustard oil regularly.
3. Beautilicious body:
Ask your mom or grandma, as a baby they would have coated you with layers of mustard oil. Mustard oil improves the blood circulation, boosts the muscle strength and the fatty acids work on slowing down the signs of aging. So if you have to have fab skin, then massage regularly with mustard oil and forget saggy skin, cellulite, spider veins.
4. Zits zapper:
The antibacterial properties of mustard oil will act as zits zapper. You can definitely count on mustard oil to prevent acne and even fade the acne scars away. All you have to do is to make a paste of turmeric, lemon juice, and mustard oil. Apply it on your affected areas and rinse it after 10 minutes. Repeat thrice a week and make acne a past thing.
5. Skin cleanser:
Mustard oil has a wonderful property to flush out toxins. It opens up the pores and expels the dirt, grime settled under your skin and keeps your skin super healthy. You can use mustard oil with brown sugar as a scrub and go for completely skin detoxification. How cool is that?
6. Perfect pout lips:
Pamper your lips with mustard oil and within weeks get baby soft lips. Due to the hydrating properties, it will recuperate your chapped lips and make it plump and soft.
7. Holy grail for hair:
Mustard oil as a hair oil has been used since time immemorial. It does a great deal to your hair. It promotes healthy hair follicles, strengthens hair shafts, prevents premature greying which results in healthy tresses. Massage your scalp with this oil that is rich in linoleic acid, Vitamin E, beta carotene and have a happy hair day!
Have you used mustard oil in your beauty care? If yes, then do share with us your insight on mustard oil.