Flawless skin is a fairy tale, and we believe in fairy tales! The point is that we all dream about flawless skin, from drugstore product to high-end product we are someone who would possibly try everything to get a spotless skin tone. And when nothing works, it is best to hunt the kitchen. We believe that our kitchen is stored with such powerful ingredients that even big brands fail under them. We're not criticising any brand, but we just want you to know that how power packed kitchen ingredients are and that is why we have come with another stunning face pack that will work on every skin type effortlessly. Read further to know about this magical pack.
Before we get into the face pack, we would like to enlighten you, on why you suffer from dark spots, dark lips, dark circles, uneven skin tone.
1. Dark spots can be due to acne scarring, overexposure of UV rays, improper skin care routine, unhealthy eating habits.
2. Dark lips it could because of less oxygen supply, UV rays, dehydration, smoking, caffeine, health issues.
3. Dark circles can be a hereditary problem, over usage of gadgets, improper sleep (less than 7 hours sleep), low blood circulation, aging, sun exposure, excess rubbing of eyes.
4. Uneven skin tone can be due to acne scarring, sun exposure, sun spots, and hyperpigmentation.
Magical Face Pack
You would need:
5-6 almonds (soaked overnight)
1 tablespoon of almond oil
½ teaspoon of turmeric
1 tablespoon of fresh yogurt
DIY Face pack:
Peel the soaked almonds and crush them in a blender, if you wish, you can take more of almonds and store them for future use. In a bowl take crushed almonds and other ingredients and mix them into a thick paste. You want to make sure that the paste is creamy and not runny. Smear the paste on your face, lips, and neck and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water and cover it with a good moisturiser. As this face pack has all natural ingredients you can use this twice a week for faster results.
Why this pack works:
Almonds are a good source of antioxidants, Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium which are essential ingredients for the skin. Also, it has lightening properties that will fix the uneven skin tone, dark lips, dark circles, dark spots.
Sweet almond oil is a treasure for every skin type. It is a rich source of Vitamin E that is a holy grail ingredient for a blemish free skin. Also, the oil helps in moisturising the skin, keeps premature aging at bay, reduces dark circles and prevents clogging of pores. If you have oily skin, you can definitely use almond oil in your beauty regime.
The queen of spices, turmeric does wonders to your skin. It brightens your skin tone, removes dark circles, and the presence of antioxidants will eliminate wrinkles, fine lines. Even the antibacterial properties will keep a check of bacteria and prevent the hateful breakouts.
Yogurt has lactic acid, which is extremely important for your skin. It cleanses the skin, improves your skin texture, works on uneven skin tone, and repairs the damaged skin. Also, it prevents aging, sagging skin, fine lines by promoting collagen production in your skin. Also, it will lighten the hyperpigmentation, spots, and lighten your skin tone. If you run out of yogurt you can even use raw milk, which is rich in lactic acid.
We hope this face pack shows the spectacular results on your skin and you get rid of all the flaws on your skin soon.