Remember we told you how on a picture posted by Anusha featuring herself along with Karan Kundra, a Karan fan simply stated how he should stay away from a prostitute like 'Anusha!' This obviously didn't go down well with Karan who sorted the hater out in his own way and received lots of applaud for it. Team Pinkvilla, reached out to Anusha to comment on the same and this is what she has to say...
"People are simply hiding behind a laptop or phone while they comment. But you know, it's fine to express yourself; it's just that it should be expressed in a better way. There are many better ways to put your thoughts in front. If you don't have nice things to say walk away, and if you still want to say, then express yourself in a better way," said Anusha.
India’s Next Top Model premieres on 10th July 2016, Sunday at 7 PM only on MTV. But we are super elated to hear her response.