Everyday can’t be cheat day and everyday a new excuse cannot save you from going out for a dinner date or a gala time with your girlfriends. There are times when you are too lazy to cook and also times, when you want to dig into your closet for your favourite blingy outfit and go out for dining luxury.
But realizing that eating out often can surely add up to a lot of unwanted calories as well as disturb your diet plan which you have been following religiously since a month now makes you watch your steps. Let’s give this perplexity good news! It’s not a difficult task to lose weight even if you eat out regularly.
Pre-Plan Always!
Banging into a restaurant just because your taste buds are tingling and the muscles in your stomach clinching is something which anyone who is trying to lose weight should avoid. You should always plan your reservation and eat something, preferably a fruit before heading out of home. This will surely prevent you from popping in those extra mozzarella sticks.
Salads are your best friends
Say no to fried and cheesy appetizers and opt for a healthy green salad, a ceaser salad for example. You could order for a soup along, preferably a clear one and garnish it with your favorite vegetables.
Avoid Alcohol
Ideally, you should stick to water or fresh lime without sugar. But even a mocktail is acceptable. Alcohol, especially beer should be avoided in order to save yourself from a beer belly.
Head Early
Do not plan your dinner after 8 p.m. at any cost. Leave early from office and have an early dinner so that your body and digestive system take their time and the food doesn't add up to the fat.
Do the Grill
Apart from eyeing on fried appetizers full of oil, go for something which is grilled and roasted. You could always ask the chef for an advice as to which dish contains the least number of calories.
So ladies, follow these easy tips and dine out without a hint of guilt.
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